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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-08-20 22:53
浏览次数: 22

Hao Tian Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. professional switch socket products enterprise tick Tian switch socket provided the purpose involves a wide range of automotive electronics, industrial control, communications, power, instrumentation, computer peripherals and consumer electronics and other multiple field.
Haotian electronics like a frame is connected with the socket electronic component manufacturers and end-users bridge, with outstanding, professional services and improve the warehousing, transportation, quality inspection, and other a dragon service to help customers at home and abroad to obtain the required original socket electronic components and make the greatest efforts to timely meet the needs of the vast number of electronic manufacturers.
Products business has door lock switch microswitch straight key switch limit switch components for USB socket toggle switch sliding switch DC socket self-locking switch button switch button switch headphone socket silica gel waterproof light touch switch and so on.
The more competition, the more the need to cooperate; the more quickly the change, the more the need to trust. Quality is the basis for the survival and development of the company, Hao Tian electronic depending on the integrity of life, and strive to become a model of electronic socket industry! Http://www.dcchazuo.com/




  竞争越激烈,越需要合作;变革越迅速,越需要信任。品质是公司生存和发展的基础,浩天电子视信誉为生命,努力成为电子插座行业的楷模!  http://www.dcchazuo.com/

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