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供应NI PCI-6070E/ PCI-6071E数据采集卡

单价: 面议
起订: 5 张
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市 樟木头
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-04-26 16:18
浏览次数: 34

高价收购NI PCI-6070E 回收PCI-6071E数据采集卡

联系人:孙先生 13450039649
电 话:0769-82684869
E-MAIL: sxf916@126.com

Add sensor and high-voltage measurement capability to your E Series device with NI SCC or SCXI signal conditioning. The National Instruments PCI-6070E uses E Series technology to deliver high-performance, reliable data acquisition capabilities to meet a wide range of application requirements. You get up to 1.25 MS/s, 12-bit performance with 16 single-ended analog inputs. Depending on your type of hard drive, the NI PCI-6070E can stream to disk at rates up to 1.25 MS/s. Using NI hardware and driver software options, you have flexible OS, application development environment, and application software choices. Complete your DAQ system with NI signal conditioning to measure virtually any type of sensor.

LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and Measurement Studio for Visual Basic and Visual Studio .NET integration
NIST-traceable calibration certificate and more than 70 signal conditioning options
Two 12-bit analog outputs; 8 digital I/O lines; two 24-bit counters; analog triggering

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