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2017北京老博会_China pension expo

   日期:2017-01-05     浏览:63    
CBIAIE|北京老博会-Carry forward the Chinese culture of filial piety,To inherit the Chinese good old virtue;
2017 China (Beijing) International Industry Expo|CBIAIE
Exhibition time:2017  05 months 11 to 13 days
Exhibition venue:Beijing - China International Exhibition Center
Undertaking unit:Beijing Liancheng International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
北京-掘金养老市场/Beijing - the Nuggets pension market;
     Beijing - the capital of china,Urban influence and business status need not be explained too much.Held in Beijing, the effect of the old Expo radiation,It is a strategic city for the enterprise products to enter the market.With the promulgation and implementation of pension policy in recent years,Continue to increase the benefits of corporate policy and market guidance;Beijing is the first to bear the brunt of the country.For the implementation of China's pension policy provides experience,It also provides a high speed development of the soil for the exhibition.A national influence pension Expo -CBIAIE,Through three years of development has been formed.Aimed at:Domestic and foreign trade businesses,Build a Nuggets China 2.22 million consumer business opportunities show stage.
北京老博会概要/CBIAIE outline:
    China (Beijing) International Industry Expo,Abbreviation:CBIAIE.Is an industry meeting in Beijing, china,Each year in May and in Beijing in July.By Beijing Liancheng International Exhibition Co., Ltd,Large scale pension industry expo.The conference was founded in 2014,Has been successfully held three sessions.Has 912 domestic and foreign exhibitors to assist the products into the consumer market,Turnover of over 10 billion yuan.Total exhibition area of fifty thousand square meters,Visit the passengers over one hundred thousand passengers.China is a very influential professional exhibition,By the government and industry recognition and praise.
同期开展/Concurrent development:
    General meeting of the General Assembly will carry out:China pension Industry Development Summit forum,The Forum on the management of chronic diseases in the elderly hospital alliance summit,Exploration and Research on the combination of medical and nursing services,Intelligent pension system construction and application forum,Nutrition and diet for the elderly,Launching ceremony of international training program for international service for the aged,Health support program (millions of elderly holiday project) start ceremony,Common oral diseases and preventive health care for the elderly,Middle aged and old people show;And held a number of buyers docking activities,For you to feel the pulse of the market development direction.
展品大类与服务/Exhibits categories and services:
    凡涉老产品及服务、教育相关的产业产品(智慧科技类、医疗康复类、日常用品类、家居厨卫类、户外用品类、精神文化类、旅行度假类、地产居住类、陪伴护理类、教育培训类 等),均可报名参展。
    Where related to the old products and services,Education related industrial products。(intelligence science, medical rehabilitation, daily necessities, kitchen, outdoor supplies Home Furnishing,
Spiritual and cultural categories, travel and vacation category, real estate class, accompanied by nursing, education and training, etc)Can sign up for the exhibition.
organizing committee:Beijing Liancheng International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

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